
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

sunspot faces earth for two weeks beginning nov8

sunspot faces earth for two weeks beginning nov8
A Technorati article compares growing sunspot monster AKA AR1339  to 1859 Carrington event. Writer Stephen Alexander informs, "from August 28 until September 2, 1859, the earth faced a similar scenario... On September 1, 1859, the largest flare came unleashed a coronal mass ejection [CME] straight at the Earth. And just 18 hours later, the largest recorded geomagnetic storm hit the Earth. In Boston, the light was so bright that even at 1:00 AM, people could read the newspaper without any other light sources around them. The currents in long Telegraph wires in both the United States and Europe experienced induced ElectroMagnetic Force. Fires broke out in the telegraph offices and even shocked the telegraph operators. Auroras were seen in Hawaii, Mexico, Cuba and Italy. This was the 1859 solar superstorm."

Alexander notes possible impact today from a geomagnetic superstorm, "...the electric grid to the United States could be virtually destroyed in the northern Half of the United States. With 130 million people without electricity for 4 to 10 years as 350 transformers are destroyed. The entire Alaska Pipeline could erupt into a fireball. All land line telephones could be destroyed." The author dismisses threat with a "...why worry, it's not going to happen...", but adds "it could". Will the earth be hit by a solar superstorm similar to the 1859 Carrington Event in next two weeks?

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