
Friday, July 29, 2011

weather warfare: great flood of 1993 revisited

weather warfare: great flood of 1993 revisited
The recent flooding of Mississippi and Missouri Rivers in 2011 makes a review of the 'Great Flood of 1993' a pertinent topic worthy of attention. In an article titled "Tesla Weather Control Over America", researcher C.B. Baker noted, "the Midwest Deluge had anomalous characteristics that were similar to many previous weather-war operations. Across the Midwest corn-belt, it has rained in Biblical proportions - 49 straight days, often in torrents (18 July 1993, NEW YORK TIMES). 'We've got flooding where we haven't seen much before (said Lary Black, a hydrologist for the National Weather Service' (7 July 1993, NEW YORK TIMES)."

The article reveals, surprisingly, "the United States and the Soviet Union began secret cooperation on world weather-engineering in 1971...[and reports there's been]...continuous weather-engineering over the Northern Hemisphere since the early 1970's...". Does this cooperation represent a worldwide effort to remove people from their land?

"The Tesla transmitters create giant standing ELF waves that have repeatedly formed huge blocking-system that alter the path of the high altitude jet stream and dam up the normal flow of weather fronts. The Soviet ELF transmitters have been able to create droughts that lasted for months and even years, as well as being able to GENERATE DEVASTATING FLOODS." In the 1993 Midwest Flood the article reveals " the area west of the giant standing wave blocking unending rain and the area east of that standing wave system experienced ceaseless drought." Any reader can see with sufficient energy, weather manipulation isn't difficult to achieve. You have such a tool in the HAARP facility in Alaska. GWEN towers are also used for weather manipulation, according to Baker.

The present writer wonders whether this happened last winter in the Rocky Mountains, where huge snowfall amounts, created record runoffs this spring? You combine technology with environmental fanatics, who hold release of water by the Missouri Dam System to simulate "the natural flooding" for the benefit of wildlife, it whets the imagination! The thought of conspiracy is fueled further when homeowners in the flooded areas are sent letters asking if they want to sell. Nah, that crass move is just called an error when public calls them on it - they'll just wait until next time!

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