
Thursday, May 19, 2011

dutchsinse report: 8.4 libya quake data deleted?

dutchsinse report: 8.4 libya quake data deleted?Dutchsinse, hot off his recent trip to the New Madrid Seismic Zone and ongoing National Level Exercise (NLE), reports removal by reporting sites evidence of 8.4 quake in Libya? A consummate observer of apparent weather warfare, Dutchsinse received alerts by email of 8.4 quake near Libya. Upon a search, a report was indeed found at the European-Mediterranean Seismological Center website. The seismological data seems to have disappeared from similar sites on the web and Dutchsinse wants to get to the bottom of it! Yet another YouTube video was published this evening by - all breaking news - for May 19th! Hats off to Dutchsinse!


  1. Dutchsinse is mentally retarded and a fraud!

  2. Dutchs data is verifiable by other sources.
