
Sunday, March 27, 2011

japan disaster in the illuminati cards

japan disaster in the illuminati cardsThe Steve Jackson Illuminati card game continues to attract attention--and rightfully so! Does the card game represent foreknowledge? The combined disaster card, pictured, is only the most recent card to sound alarm bells to a possible long-term Illuminati plan behind world events. In the picture is the Ginza Wako Clock in Tokyo (circled), there are silhouettes in the foreground clothed in what appears to be traditional Japanese dress. The most eerie observation are the hands of the clock on the three and 11, which can be interpreted as the date of the Japan disaster, 3-11, and regarded as an Illuminati signature. Truther girl Sonia reports on the card, last week, in a You Tube Video. Is everyone reading too much into it? The present writer admits the clock may or may not be the Wako clock tower and the dress is hard to determine? Sonia points out, however, Mitchell Coombes felt confident enough in the combined disaster card to make the prediction on Facebook.

The Illuminati card game appears suspicious to any rational mind. Perhaps the best argument there's something more in the cards than a game is the March 9th, 1990 raid of Steve Jackson games by the Secret Service. The Cutting Edge website offers their frank assessment, "...the real reason the Secret Service invaded S.J. Games was to shut them down so they could not produce the game "Illuminati -- New World Order (INWO), for it revealed too much of the plan that was still 11 years in the future. You be the judge."

The 1995 edition of Illuminati cards, if you're not familiar, shows clearly in the Terrorist Nuke and Pentagon cards the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. The odds are just too long to accept as coincidence! The topper for the present writer is the card with the oil-soaked brown Pelican, which is the Louisiana state bird under the heading, Oil Spill. Readers are left to wonder about Steve Jackson and his motives for the game?

All of us should look for the future in the 330 cards of the Illuminati decks, which can be viewed here, and be forewarned--it's what the Illuminati would want! The real message is: you have to be a moron to completely dismiss a plan may be at work behind world events!

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