
Saturday, May 14, 2011

fukushima haarp nuclear attack by cia, doe & bp

fukushima haarp nuclear attack by cia, doe & bpIn an Exopolitics TV interview, often paired Alfred Labremont Webre interviews radiation expert Leuren Moret on planet Earth as a weapon of war. Webre and Moret believe an international war crimes network lies behind many of the recent HAARP-triggered "natural disasters", including Fukushima. Moret fingers perps in network: the CIA, Department of Energy (DOE) and BP as tools used by London bankers. Moret's highly developed worldview sees London bankers and Queen of England at epicenter of power in Western world.

A murky international war crimes network seeks by means of depop agendas the goal of land and resource grabs. Moret also believes most natural disasters of past decade are "HAARP events". A list of triggered events include: 9/11 New York, Sumatra quake, Hurricane Katrina and Haiti quake. The radiation expert cites often FEMA's Sept 10, 2001 conference, where the agency ranked most likely disasters as a terrorist attack on New York, an earthquake in San Francisco and a hurricane in New Orleans.

Foreshadowing is a concept noted in the interview. Moret finds parallels in these events with prior ones of a similar but smaller scale seen as possible feasibility or "practice runs". US warships were also nearby in these disasters, notes Moret, in an accompanying article by Webre."US Ronald Reagan – As was the case in the HAARP false flag operations of Katrina hurricane, the Haiti earthquake, and the Sumatra earthquake-tsunami, U.S. warships such as the U.S. Ronald Reagan, complicit in the false flag operation, stood by the operation and were an operational part of it."

Perhaps, most interesting, Moret fingers the DOE as running the operation in Japan and provides names in the department: Steven Chu and Steven Koonin. Chu acts in China's interest and Koonin, a former BP employee for the London bankers. Queen of England owns BP reminds Moret. It's a global agenda where sovereignty of nation-states seems only an obstacle to large players. Rockefellers, Moret observes, bought into Japan during the rebuilding after World War II, and points out, SONY is not Japanese--it stands for Standard Oil of New York!

In the most tenuous accusation, Moret fingers CIA for developing Stuxnet worm with Israel's MOSSAD. "The false flag operation involved the introduction of the CIA-Mossad developed Stuxnet virus, causing melt-downs in all nuclear cores within 90 minutes, followed by complete coverup. This was aided by intentionally poor design, as though the power plant were from the beginning a giant nuclear weapon." Is it too far-fetched? Has Stuxnet co-opted operations in nuclear plants to turn them into potential dirty nukes?

On a last count, it's hard to believe Moret, who ".. sees big nuclear power expansion plans globally..", as it seems an uphill battle from here to sell nuclear power? Or is it? Will the international war crimes network simply run roughshod over objections to implement their agenda? It can't be discounted!

A criminal network - doing the dirty work for London bankers and the Queen, in a worldwide conspiracy - seems beyond belief. This writer sees actors as Chu and Koonin, whose interests lie outside the country, making the story believable. The "apparently inept" disaster response in Japan, so reminiscent of New Orleans, only contributes to the suspicion that a conspiracy is afoot - and it's global!


  1. CME IMPACT: A coronal mass ejection (CME) hit Earth's magnetic field on March 10th around 0630 UT. The impact, albeit weak, did provoke geomagnetic activity around the poles. High-latitude sky watchers should remain alert for auroras.

    impact images: from Zoltan Kenwell near Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; from Warren Gammel of Fairbanks, Alaska; from Joseph Shaw of Poker Flat Research Range, Alaska; from William Helms of Fairbanks, Alaska;

    X-FLARE: March 9th ended with a powerful solar flare. Earth-orbiting satellites detected an X1.5-class explosion from behemoth sunspot 1166 around 2323 UT. A movie from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows a bright flash of UV radiation plus some material being hurled away from the blast site:

    X-FLARE: March 9th ended with a powerful solar flare. Earth-orbiting satellites detected an X1.5-class explosion from behemoth sunspot 1166 around 2323 UT. A movie from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows a bright flash of UV radiation plus some material being hurled away from the blast site:
    UPDATE (March 10 @ 1800 UT): Newly-arriving coronagraph data from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory show no bright CME emerging from this eruption. Some material was surely hurled in our direction, but probably not enough for significant Earth-effects.

    After four years without any X-flares, the sun has produced two of the powerful blasts in less than one month: Feb. 15th and March 9th. This continues the recent trend of increasing solar activity, and shows that Solar Cycle 24 is heating up. NOAA forecasters estimate a 5% chance of more X-flares during the next 24 hours.

    SOLAR FLARE ALERTS: Would you like a call when the next X-flare erupts? Sign up for Spaceweather PHONE.

    This all came the Archives Of I was passed a Link Via Jan Irvin, stating that HAARP detected this event.

  2. "Webre and Moret believe an international war crimes network lies behind many of the recent HAARP-triggered "natural disasters", including Fukushima."

    Hahahahaha... What a humongous stupid idea. Yes, people are bad, but thinking that so many scientists group together to create natural disasters is beyond stupid.

    "This writer sees actors as Chu and Koonin, whose interests lie outside the country, making the story believable."

    Totally bullshit. It doesn't make the story more believable whatsoever. It is still a (utterly STUPID) story. Nothing more than that. Only believable for people who believe in astrology predictions and such... Those people have lost truth anyway.
